Stkr: Documentation

Getting Started

  1. Download from GitHub
  2. Transfer stkr.min.js from the plugin_files folder to your project folder
  3. Load jQuery CDN and stkr.min.js by inserting the following script tags immediately before your closing body tag:
    <script src=""></script><script src="sticky.js"></script>
    Make sure your src attribute includes the correct path to the stkr.js file.
  4. Give the desired sticky element an ID.
    <img href="images/parachute.png" id="sticky">
    If you're including multiple sticky elements that will become fixed at different points on the web page, they should each have a unique ID name.
    <img href="images/parachute.png" id="idName-1"><img href="images/cloud.png" id="idName-2"><img href="images/bird.png" id="idName-3">
  5. Call the stkr method, .stkr();, in your JavaScript file. If there are multiple sticky elements on the page, invoke a new jQuery function for each.

Default Settings

By default, the sticky element remains fixed on the top-left corner for the entire length of your web page, with its top and left properties set to 20px.

position: 'fixed',top: 20,left: 20

Customizable Settings


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